Unity is the Key!
A moment of clarity. I'm not defending Minister Louis Farrakhan.
But in defense of ourselves, what have we done and with whom, that is on course or on par with what The Last Messenger, accomplished, peace upon him? At least Minister Farrakhan, and others are trying to do something, and we must give them credit.
However, we have bigger fish to fry, than to spend time bickering and attacking each to our own injury.
We have an incessant and vehement enemy before us who is going for our collective jugular vein. Like a new born baby they're bent of cutting the cords of our unity and smothering the life out of us.
Its been 49 years since the passing of Messenger Elijah Muhammad, and he is never ever returning from his grave. He's served his time, and did it well.
Its now our time to work and do something for ourselves. The Messenger, worked 40 years of his life, giving his blood, sweat and tears, everyday up to the day of his passing. Not just for his followers, but for every black man, woman and child in America. He did it for us all!
Now, after receiving his teachings, what more do we need from him? You want a nation or government we must build it; you want land we must aquire it. You want a place in this world then we must be willing to fight for it, or willing to die for it, which ever way. All of it can be accomplish with unity of purpose.
Just imagine for a moment, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, calling to the Crips, Bloods, GD's, Miami Boys, Pirus, Black Mafia, Vices Lords, etc, to put down their weapons and beefs against each others.
And, allow themselves to be instructed and trained with the help of his FOI, the FOI, with The Honorable Silis Muhammad, the NBPP, NWIFOI, Minister Eric Muhammad, FOI, The 5% Nation, etc, to become a beacon and vanguard protecting our communities. Man wouldn't that be something, to behold?
Today, America and the world is on fire and we are upwards of 40 million people, with our babies, children, grand children, mothers, fathers, aunties, uncles, brothers and sisters all sitting inside these flames and are being engulfed by them.
To me Its well beyond the time that the Muslims, and all others who are the collective hope of our people, to stop all this bicking and infighting, when most of us are not producing anything but lip service, and with the quickness, began working in unison to do something for ourselves or risk all of us dying!
No one else is coming, you need not look anymore, we are already here.
Our collective enemies tactics are divide and conquer. Our power is Unity of purpose! Lets unite and get to work. The time is at hand.
"Reparations is a prophecy from Our Forefathers"✌🏾
Summer Rain
Malik Z. Shabazz-Esq