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Hate Crime

Philando Castile.jfif

Philando Castile

justwice for philando minnipostdot com.jfif
Jacob Blake The Guardian.jfif

Jacob Blake

Dignity, fear, hate, hope,  integrity and love are some of the words to ask why America is so fond of shootings. Access to firearms is part of the problem, but more than weapons, the heart mind and motives of Americans must be investigated. We know it was the “Gun that won the West” and most certainly in America gun ownership will never be properly regulated.


Beginning with the American Revolutionary War when British citizens divorced themselves from their King to become independent, the rule of law within the U.S. Constitution has been used to justify citizens having weapons, and theoretically gave every citizen the right to possess one via the 2nd Amendment.


 It reads, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” was adopted on 17th December 1791 as a part of the Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments of the constitution).


Based on this legal interpretation it is lawful for Americans to possess a firearm. On July 6, 2016 32-year-old  Philando Castile was fatally shot by police officer Jeronimo Yanez of the St. Anthony police department in the Minneapolis–Saint Paul metropolitan area during a traffic stop. Castile told Officer Yanez that he had a firearm he was licensed to carry. Yanez told him not to pull it out, but as he reached for his identification, he was executed. Castile was shot with seven close-range shots striking him five times. The shooting was live streamed on Facebook and began seconds after Castile was shot.


Was 29-year-old Jacob Blake who was shot in the back four times and three times in the side by police officer Rusten Sheskey on August 23, 2020 in Kenosha, Wisconsin a righteous act? He had been tasered but the tasers were unable to stop him from reaching his vehicle. One of the attending policemen actually grabbed the back of his shirt and still could not stop his

momentum to leave. Unfortunately, his daughter was in the backseat to witness him being shot and is still traumatized by entire police procedure.


In January of 2021, Kenosha County District Attorney Michael Graveley declined to file criminal charges against officer Sheskey and said these words as his reason, “I do not believe the state…would be able to prove that the privilege of self-defense is not available.”


In March of 2021, when the federal lawsuit was filed against Officer Sheskey City Administrator Morrissey noted that the city will “vigorously defend” against the civil suit brought forth against Officer Sheskey.

He stated, “The incident has been thoroughly examined by the Wisconsin Department of Justice, and former City of Madison Police Chief and use-of-force expert Noble Wray. Based on their findings and independent reports, the City of Kenosha will vigorously defend this case.”


And the official party line did not stop with this, it went on to say, in a press release on April 13th that Officer Sheskey was cleared of wrongdoing at the department level and by prosecutors, which was why the decision to have him return to duty was reached. Further comments by the police department read, “The Kenosha Police use of force incident on August 23, 2020 was investigated by an outside agency; has been reviewed by an independent expert as well as the Kenosha County District Attorney.


Officer Sheskey was not charged with any wrongdoing. He acted within the law and was consistent with training. This incident was also reviewed internally. Officer Sheskey was found to have been acting within policy and will not be subjected to discipline.”


Sheskey returned to duty and the comment was, “As of March 31, 2021, Officer Sheskey has returned from administrative leave. Although this incident has been reviewed at multiple levels, I know that some will not be pleased with the outcome; however, given the facts, the only lawful and appropriate decision was made.”


Mr. Blake sued the police force for violation of his Civil Rights and summarily dropped the lawsuit on May 10th 2022 as lawyers from both sides agreed to dismiss the case with prejudice, meaning Blake cannot re-file the claim.


Jeronimo Yanez Shot Philando CAstile.jfif

Jeronimo Yanez

aquital protedt daily mail dot com

Thousands protest the aquital of Officer Yanez


Rustin Sheskey

Here are two examples of Afrodescendants murdered by policemen in the performance of their duties as “Civil Servants”. Let’s compare fair and equitable treatment of Afrodescendants and Caucasians and also see how those that were victims of “Domestic Terrorism” fare against the perpetrators of it.


On June 17, 2015 Dylann Storm Roof an American killed nine people, all Afrodescendants at Bible study at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. Pastor and State Senator Clementa C. Pickney is the most well known victim of the avowed white supremacist. Roof was identified and a manhunt conducted captured him alive.


Most disturbing about his apprehension by police authorities was the widespread fact that he was taken to a restaurant and allowed to sit in comfort and eat before being transported to jail. Three days after his arrest, there was the discovery of his “Manifesto” on social media with the title of “The Last Rhodesian” where he espoused his neo Nazi and white supremacists beliefs which became his views after

reading about the 2012 murder of Trayvon Martin.


December 15, 2016, Mr. Roof was convicted in Federal Court on 33 charges including hate crimes from the shooting and on January 11, 2017, he was sentenced to death and in March on the 31st, 2017 he pled guilty in South Carolina State Court to nine counts of murder, three counts of attempted murder, and possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony, to avoid a second death sentence.


April 10, 2017 he accepted negotiated pleas of consecutive sentences of life without parole after formally pleading guilty to state murder charges. A three-judge panel of the 4th US Circuit Courts of Appeals in Richmond, South Carolina, upheld the death penalty, but in July 2021, the Biden administration issued a moratorium and halted all federal executions while the Justice Department conducts a review of its execution policies and procedures. On the 22nd of April of 2017 Roof was placed in the United States Penitentiary at Terre Haute, Indiana and awaits execution for his crimes of mass murder.

Payton Gendron from Broome County, N.Y traveled more than three-hours and conducted reconnaissance on the Tops grocery store in the heart of Buffalo’s Afrodescendant community which comprises 85% of the city’s Afrodescendant residents.


Buffalo, New York is one of the most racially segregated cities in the U. S. and its East Side legacy dates to World War I, when Buffalo was a major steel city responsible for supplying much of the machinery American forces were using in Europe. This helped it to become a beacon for economic progress for Afrodescendants and violence ensued because of racial tension in 1910.


Zoning laws were enacted by Buffalo’s City Hall and New York state government restricting Afrodescendants from living in white neighborhoods as white property owners began to use restrictive covenants to prevent their homes from later being sold to Afrodescendants too.


 In 1948 the Supreme Court outlawed restrictive covenants that

 were racist federal policies denying Afrodescendants FHA mortgage loans through the process called redlining that made it harder to buy homes at all, let alone in middle-class neighborhoods.

After World War II in Buffalo, highway construction in the 1950s and ’60s split the city in half as the Kensington Expressway, cut the city into an East and West Side decimating the burgeoning Afrodescendant district. The Tops store is just a few blocks from the Expressway.


Miles Gresham, a policy fellow at the Partnership for Public Good said, “The history of segregation is the history of institutionalized racism in our governments, in our banks, in the extension of credit and opportunity to white people that was intentionally not made available to Black people,” adding, “The Kensington Expressway made it easier for white people who had engaged in white flight and moved out into the suburbs to still travel to the economic centers of the area.” This helped everything east of the highway to fall into poverty and an economic mess as the rest of the town developed far better. Senator Hillary Clinton cut the ribbon in 2003 at the opening of the Jefferson Avenue Tops that

changed an infamous food dessert into an Oasis because getting food was extremely more difficult due to the reality that most residents did not have cars.


 “In the 1990s, to have a white person walking east of the Humboldt Expressway or the 33 would have been like a ghost,” said Betty Jean Grant, a longtime Buffalo politician who was on the Buffalo Common Council that lobbied for the Top’s store. She continued her comments by saying, “They’d be like somebody from Mars, because people did not walk on the East Side of Buffalo.”


India Walton, former Democratic candidate for mayor and activist stated, “The fact that there’s only one grocery store on the East Side that serves Black communities is a choice. She added, “This is not something that’s like accidental. No one cares about Black people on the East Side of Buffalo.”


Walton is also a senior adviser for the Working Families Party that advocates for policy action to combat racism and extremist violence. She and others call for Buffalo city’s leaders to repair the system of segregation that has been prevalent for over a century. She said, “People are tired, I’m personally ready to burn this sh-t down. You can put that on the record. We’re not taking this anymore.” And this comment by Ms. Walton reflects the current thoughts of the Afrodescendant community.


 Mr. Gendron has inaugurated the next chapter of the neighborhood that is one of the poorest communities in America by doing what he considers a public service to his fellow White American citizens by shooting innocent Afrodescendants.


He too is a self avowed white supremacist and has a total disregard for the lives of Afrodescenants. Photos have circulated that show his rifle has the racial slur “Nigger” inscribed on it and a statement saying, “Here are your Reparations” along with the name of “Virginia Sorenson” a Caucasian woman killed in Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wis., last year when a black man drove his SUV into a crowd of celebrants.


  At 18 years of age, he is reported to have been “Radicalized” meaning indoctrinated into the white supremacist philosophy and the removal of Afrodescendants immigrant’s and people of Jewish descent. He is a self professed Anti-Semite.


His adopted philosophy derives from his “research,” that is known as the Great Replacement theory which began with Renaud Camus

who rejects violence. The original theory states that, with the complicity or cooperation of "replacist" elites, white European populations are being demographically and culturally replaced with non-white peoples — especially from Muslim majority countries.

Mass migration, demographic growth and a drop in the birth rates of whites has produced paranoia in the minds of some whites who realize that in the year 2045 the U. S. will become “Minority White”.

This fear is what has transfixed the population into thinking that America will be controlled by people with more melanin than whites. Replacement theory is responsible for the rise in thought that racial minorities as the primary demographic engine of the nation’s future growth will sublimate an aging, slow-growing and soon to be declining white population.

Gendron went on a campaign of murder based on his desire to hold

others accountable for the consequences of American “Miscegenation and Assimilation.” What America touts to the world is not her truth; it is a pejorative state of mind existent in some whites to not see equality or any fair treatment of non-whites inside of her and this thinking has become contagious, and by all indicators is spreading exponentially. 

Those involved in this thinking are known to plan the demise of Afrodescendants and immigrants, who threaten the picture of a “White America.” Political rhetoric is unable to answer the question of how a young white man could have so much hate inside of him that he would take several months to plan an attack against people that for every conceivable reason had done nothing to him except possess melanin in their skin.


Gendron, described how he amassed his arsenal in lengthy online postings that authorities believe he wrote in the weeks before committing his heinous assault. He purchased a used Bushmaster XM-15 semiautomatic rifle from a licensed dealer near his hometown and illegally modified it to use a high-capacity magazine.

He bought it in January from Vintage Firearms for $960 in a small gun store about 15 miles from his home in Conklin, N.Y. and a sling to carry it and some ammunition.  He also had a Mossberg 500 shotgun he purchased in early December and a Savage Axis XP bolt-action rifle he received from his father as a Christmas present when he was 16 years old.


Robert Donald the 75-year-old owner of Vintage Firearms said a background check raised no flags and that agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms have since visited his shop on Saturday night to collect paperwork from the sale. He stated, “I happened to have this particular gun at this particular time,” Donald told ABC. “And this particular guy happened to buy it. After the gun leaves the firearm shop, you have no control.”


New York State permits customers ages 18 and older to buy rifles and shotguns without a permit need to pass an instant criminal background check at the time of the sale and need to pass an instant criminal background check at the time of the sale. Gendron explained that he deliberately loaded heavier rounds to use in an initial volley to penetrate glass at the front of the supermarket where he expected a security guard would be keeping watch.

When Buffalo police arrested Gendron, they said, he was carrying a semiautomatic rifle that matched the description of the Bushmaster. The other two guns were recovered from his car. Gendron live-streamed a portion of the shooting on social media platform Twitch stream, that was suspended within two minutes of transmission according to company officials. The Bushmaster AR-15 style weapons are the most common rifle in the United States and can be bought for about $1,000 or less,


President Biden denounced White supremacy during his speech in Buffalo, New York on May 17 by saying “White supremacy is a poison, running through our body politic.” He went on to add, “And it’s [White supremacy] been allowed to grow and fester right before our eyes. No more, no more. We need to say as clearly and forcefully as we can that the ideology of White supremacy has no place in America. None.”


President Biden called on all Americans to “reject the lie” that White supremacy doesn’t exist. He added, “And I condemn those who spread the lie for power, political gain, and for profit. That’s what it is. We have now seen too many times the deadly and destructive violence this ideology and unleashes.”​

Aaron Salter, 55, Ruth Whitfield, 86, Pearly Young, 77, Katherine Massey, 72, Deacon Heyward Patterson, 67, Celestine Chaney, 65, Roberta A. Drury, 32, Margus D. Morrison, 52, Andre Mackneil, 53, Geraldine Talley, 62 have now joined our ancestors in death. Zaire Goodman, 20 was injured and is alive.


It was exactly one month ago on April 17, 2022 that the Afrodescendant Nation commemorated Black Holocaust Remembrance Day to call attention to the destruction of over one million Black African ancestors destroyed in the “Middle Passage” being transported to the Americas for the express purpose of slavery.

We ask today in the wake of the massacre in Buffalo, New York, what will it take to get us to come together as a people under the umbrella of the Afrodescendant Nation?


In conclusion, having been held captive inside of America for over 400 years and we cannot go to a grocery store without becoming a target for mass murderer because we are Afrodescendants; what more will it take to awaken us to the fact that our time has ended here as underlings? We must achieve “Self Determination.” We have the right to govern ourselves like every other nation of people on this planet! Do you Hate Crime?


He must be going crazy Doctor. He says "racism don't exist in America"!

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